Tracy O. Middleton, DO, FACOFP, SSP Theta Chapter member and Rho Chapter faculty advisor will be recognized this March by The American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians for her continued excellence as an osteopathic educator. We congratulate her on this very prestigious recognition. She will be honored at ACOFP '18.
Medical Simulation Research- a new poster presentation by SSP Members Wallace and Bezjian
Omicron Theta's Student Doctors Patrick Wallace and Laurie Bezjian presented their original research poster at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare in Los Angeles, CA this month. The research project was titled, “Hyper-realistic trauma immersion and its effect on medical student perspective towards patient care”.
Original Neuro Research by SSP's Student Doctors Wallace and Bezjian
Student Doctors Bezjian (left) and Wallace (right) present their original work
Student Doctors Patrick Wallace and Laurie Bezjian from Omicron Theta Chapter, presented their research at the Spine Intervention Society this month in San Francisco. Their project was titled, “Immediate versus delayed pain reduction in ultrasound guided corticosteroid sacroiliac joint injections in conjunction with physical examination special tests”.